Nov 30, 2018
Marty Kendall Joins me today to talk about the recent work he has been doing with satiety and how to ensure you get a nutrient dense diet you can stick to without being hungry.
We discuss all the relevant issues surrounding why people feel they cannot control their appetite and how best to manage it.
Marty also gives us...
Nov 23, 2018
Erin Wathen is a Food Addiction Counselor, Author, Holistic Health & Certified Life Coach.
She has written a great book called 'Why I can't stick to my diet' which covers exactly that!
In this interview we talk about why she moved from working for weight watchers to counselling people on sugar addiction and emotional...
Nov 16, 2018
Brian Sanders has spent the last 4 years creating the movie - Food Lies.
In this episode we discuss why he decided to risk his own money and use crowdfunding to raise the funds to make the movie.
Why he was so motivated to get the out message that the nutrition guidelines we've been told for so long are not only...
Nov 9, 2018
Cian Foley is two time European, Pan-American and World amateur Kettle Bell Champion.
His passion is nutrition and in particular the way food affects our hormones and satiety and why we should not 'eat for winter'
We discuss why foods in nature do not contain the heady mix of carbs and fats together as it causes over...
Nov 2, 2018
Dr Ralph Esposito is a naturopathic physician, licensed acupuncturist and functional medicine practitioner specialising in Hormones, Integrative Urology and Men's Health.
If you are looking to understand and improve your hormonal profile then Dr Esposito is the guy you need to listen too.
We discuss why men are facing...